
Unofficial Java API for Duolingo

This project was started in 2017. Throughout the years, Duolingo changed their API significantly, rendering older versions of the code useless.

Get it

You can start using DuoApi in your project via JitPack.

First, add the repo


Then, add the dependency


Finally, enjoy!



Main class containing functionality for various operations allowed by Duolingo API.

Creating a DuoApi instance

You need to authenticate with Duolingo before being able to use DuoApi.

DuoApi duoApi = new DuoApi("<USERNAME>","<PASSWORD>");

It throws an java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Incorrect username or password if the credentials are incorrect.

Getting current language


This will return a string of the current language’s abbreviation. For example es for Spanish.

Get the full name of the language


This will print the full name of the language. In this example you’ll get Swedish.

Get a list of languages a user is learning


Will return a List<String> where the elements are abbreviations.


Will return a List<String> where the elements are the full names. Example:

List<String> fullLangs = duoApi.getLanguages(false);
System.out.println("Full names: " + fullLangs);
List<String> abbrLangs = duoApi.getLanguages(true);
System.out.println("Abbreviated: " + abbrLangs);

prints out:

Full names: [Esperanto, Spanish, Russian, Dutch, French, German, Hebrew, Swedish, Arabic]

Abbreviated: [eo, es, ru, dn, fr, de, he, sv, ar]

Get known words

Use getKnownWords() to get a List<String> of known words in the current language being learned.



New wrapper dataclass for information extracted from the DuoApi class.


Singleton class to fetch url of the audio file for a word